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Save an Interactive form

Registered: Sep 9 2008
Posts: 4

I have created an interactive PDF evaluation form using Acrobat 8.0. I would like to be able to complete the form for each trainee and then send the completed form as an e-mail attachement. Can anyone suggest how I can do that?

Thanks for your help!

Dean Bush
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Skype: deanbush

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
All right say you have already put down all your fields an so forth, place a normal button on the form go ahead and give it a caption of email.

Under Field tab, look down towards Control Type: and select submit.

This will create a new tab called submit under the option of submit as: ensure that pdf is shown, if not hit the drop down and select pdf.

Go up towards sumbit to url and type the following..

mailto:dk3dknight [at] hotmail [dot] com?subject=Hello&Body=Hello//Dont worry that email account is not one I use.. MUHAHAHA.
Registered: Sep 18 2008
Posts: 1
Hi there,

I am a newbie to Livecyle Designer. I purchased Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro (which includes Livecycle) recently and have converted .doc forms to fillable .pdf forms. Everything works perfectly except one item. I could use some help resolving this issue. These forms are e-mailed to clients to complete with Adobe Reader 7.0 or later, then submit the forms back to me in .pdf format via email. When the recipient clicks on the "Submit by email" button, they get an error message that reads that this featutre is not available to them and the cannot save a completed form. In talking to Adobe Sales, they assurred me that this version of Livecycle will do what I want it to do, and I don't need to upgrade to version 9. I have screen shots of the settings I have and can send a sample file for your critique. Thanks in advance!

George J.
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
Help me with a experiment at your benefit.

Reopen your file pdf but not in livecycle but in adobe 8 pro

Go to Advanced->Enable Usage Rights in Adobe ReaderThis will save a alternative version give it a slightly different file name.
Send that out and ask the 7 users if that solved there issue.

The alternative way of doing this in livecycle is to create a data collection which does that automatically but im not sure if you wanted a data collection.

A data collection creates a master document and a pub file, the pub file is sent by to the major user and the major user collects them all into the master document, which can export all data from all documents into a single csv or another similar file type which can be dumped into databases or excel documents.

The enable usage rights probably is easier though :D, just remeber to follow my first post above on creating a email button.

If you need any more help post and ill try to answer them as soon as possible.

gjanzen wrote:
Hi there,I am a newbie to Livecyle Designer. I purchased Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro (which includes Livecycle) recently and have converted .doc forms to fillable .pdf forms. Everything works perfectly except one item. I could use some help resolving this issue. These forms are e-mailed to clients to complete with Adobe Reader 7.0 or later, then submit the forms back to me in .pdf format via email. When the recipient clicks on the "Submit by email" button, they get an error message that reads that this featutre is not available to them and the cannot save a completed form. In talking to Adobe Sales, they assurred me that this version of Livecycle will do what I want it to do, and I don't need to upgrade to version 9. I have screen shots of the settings I have and can send a sample file for your critique. Thanks in advance!

George J.
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21
I have created an interactive PDF for our chapters website. Clients would fill the form out and then submit, via the button I create at the end of the document.

The submit button works just as I would expect it to, while it is a PDF on my desktop. It does not work once I upload the form onto our site.

Anyone who clicks on the submit button, will get an error message that says "Operation is not permitted".

This is from an internal as well as external computer.

Is this something that has to do with ADOBE or is this something that is on our end? Our IT department is not aware of any problem on our end.

Suggestions or Thoughts?

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
Did you reopen the pdf in adobe acrobat pro and go Advanced -> Enable Usage Rights in Adobe ReaderIf that does not work, resave the form as a version 8 static or dynamic and then reopen in adobe acrobat and go to Advanced -> Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader.
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21
Okay, I just went to Advanced/Enable Usage Rights. This helped me get one step further, however, there is still a problem.

After doing the above, I was able to click the submit button. It pulled up a new email to the intended recipient of my document. However, I was unable to send. It was like the SEND button on my own email in outlook did not work.

What DID work was me entering in the information and then saving the document, then sending via email.

This helps with saving the document, except I'm still unable to have our clients go to our website, fill out a form and then click "Submit" in order for us to receive.

I type in this message, and click submit. It goes directly to the board. How is that created? This is what I want to do.

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
I type in this message, and click submit. It goes directly to the board. How is that created? This is what I want to do.Thanks.
This is a forum, there are many kinds out there different shapes sizes colors etc.

Do you want a forum or a interactive form, they are not quite the same, a forum requires server side installations, and the need to control admin and user side, user permissions, control on what is posted text - images- etc?
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21
No, I dont want a forum. I would like our clients to fill an application out on our website and then click submit so that it would be sent via the website.

Here is a link to the form on the site.

I hope I'm asking the question correctly.

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
What method did you use to create your email button?

Basiclly you can put down a normal button and in its properties under control type hit submit..

A new tab appears, click the the tab submit.
It allows you to put a email address or a http site to submit to..
Im assuming thats what you were looking for.

If you want it to submit to a email use mailto:blah [at] blah [dot] bla?subject=Blah&Body=Blah Blah BlahRemember to select pdf under sumit as.
I hope this helps.
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21
Yes, I have done all that.

The submit button is created, but a pop up box appears that says "Operation not permitted"

My IT dept does not know why.

I've been reading through the forums and notice there is a lot written about adobe and CITRIX servers. Could there be a link? We have a Citrix Presentation Server.
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
It does not appear as though that file has usage rights enabled. This should be the last thing you do before posting it. If you make any changes, you need to re-enable the PDF.

Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21
I got it! In addition to enabling user rights, I had to also click "Distribute Form" and then save and distribute later. By selecting this option, I am able to publish it and then any user can access the document, click the submit function, and it will be sent to its intended destination.

Thanks for your help!!
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
Whats really mysterious you should not have to do that..

The pub file that distribute form creates is a version of the form that has reader enabled rights.

So that leaves me into the ramming head in the wall why...
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21
Well if there is any shortcut, I will gladly be interested in learning of it. Please let me know if you come up with anything...
