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Saving completed form as flat file part 3

Registered: Oct 30 2009
Posts: 6

I have a four-page form, created in Lifecycle Designer, that users are going to fill out time and time again. So they need to be able to alter it.

However, once they send it to us, we would like to lock it down so as not to be able to edit it.

I found one option on the forum which is to print each form as a pdf, thereby creating a flat pdf file.

This seems pretty time-consuming as we then need to compile 20 or so forms into one document. Does anyone have any other suggestions?


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
If you only need to protect the form against changes, you can protect the form fields as described in this thread:

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Oct 30 2009
Posts: 6
It's not quite that.

That one is about when the USER fills it out they save it and it's protected.

In this case the user is going to use the form again and again, submitting it each time. Sort of like an expense report which keeps getting updated. So they need to be able to edit it when they open it.

But when the forms arrive in our office we need to lock them down. Does that make sense?
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Yes, I understood.
How do the users return the form to you?

If they mail them, you can greate a custom mail button that will do 3 actions combined in the click event.

1. protect the fields before the form is given to the mail app
2. attach the protected form to the mail
3. unprotect all fields for the local form

Here's an example form:

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Oct 30 2009
Posts: 6
hmmm. The link didn't work for me -- guess I need to update Flash -- but I like your suggestion!
