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Saving Fillable Form Fields in PDF

Registered: May 23 2011
Posts: 15

I was wondering if there is a way to save the fillable form fields in a pdf form that was created from LiveCycle. Form viewers should be able to fill out and complete the form and save any fields along the way. (They will be viewing the form in Adobe Reader)
How is this accomplished in LiveCycle?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Accepted Answer

this feature can be activated for forms by Acrobat.
Reader enabled forms allow users with Adobe Reader to save the forms.

You can find the functio in the menu of Acrobat.
Where it is located depends on the version you use.

In Acrobat X you find it under File > Save As > Reader Extended PDF > Enable Additional Features... .

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
Reader Extension service can also be purchased from Adobe. You upload your LiveCycle created form. Process your form and download it.