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Saving forms in the past

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 17

I must be losing my mind. I know that you used to be able to create forms that were savable with Reader before Pro 8 came along. But I am being told I must upgrade from my Pro 6 to 8 in order to do this. I've read a lot of posting here and elsewhere about this, but they all involve using version 7 at least. Again, somehow, there was a way to do this before the latest software came out. What am I missing here, and do I have no choice but to upgrade? (Part of my dilemma is that I don't need to do this much and would prefer not to spend the money).

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
LiveCycle Designer forms need Acrobat/Reader 6.02 and depending on the features in the form, Acrobat/Reader 7.05, to operate correctly.

Forms created in Acrobat (AcroForms) have more backwards compatibility (at least to Acrobat/Reader 5.05); however, this is dependent on how much javascipt is used within the form.

There is a good blog on this by Carl Young at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 17
Thanks. I gave up and bought Pro 8. Just what they wanted me to do.