I'm a complete newbie: this is my first project. I need to place fields on a scanned contract. I've let the software do it automatically, so most of the work is done. Here is my problem: (I apologize in advance if this topic has been covered before, but I do not know all of the terms so I'm not even sure what to search for)
One line on the contract begins about 3 inches from the right side of the page, then continues on the next line for about half the page. Then, another line begins, but this one has nothing to do with the first two. If I were writing it in, or using a typewriter, no problem. But how do I put text box fields over these first two lines so that when the user of the form starts typing into the first field, when the length of the field fills up, the next keystroke starts filling the next field automatically and continues to the end of that field?
I hope I've explained myself well enough. Thanks for any help.
One TextField and give it the following properties.
-Allow Multiple Lines
-Limit length to visible area.
Stretch out the box for the maxium amount of area
you want the user to use for that one field.
I hope that answered your question.
If you have further questions about the answer im sure
me or someone in the community will elaborate.
Have a nice day.