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Script syntax

Registered: Oct 19 2006
Posts: 270

Here is a part of a script i use on clicl event to email a form:

var address = "kkk [at] xxx [dot] org",+"form1.Page1.EmailAddress.rawValue";

EmailAddress is a field with value an e-address: nnn [at] mmm [dot] org.
I can not figure out the correct syntax for the above script...
Can someone hepl me?


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
If you would like to use several adresses in one line, you need to separate them with a semicolon [;].
Also, the reference to a form field does not work when you put it into quotes ["...EmailAddress.rawValue"].

var address = "<span class="spamspan"><span class="u">kkk</span> [at] <span class="d">xxx [dot] org</span></span>" + ";" + EmailAddress.rawValue;

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