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Scripting for beginners.. please help!

Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123

I'm trying to creating very complex forms at work and decided I HAD to learn scripting in order to accomplish this. I've been looking through books and websites but none of these resources start from the BEGINNING. I'm using example PDFs from but when I transfer items to my document, I can't edit the script in the gray bar.

These problems are probably very simple for something that knows what they're doing already. Can anyone explain the first few steps to me, or point me to a good web site that spells in out in n00b language for me? =(

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi scderacjor,

You are correct that adding the most cool and sophisticated features to PDFs almost always requires scripting. The best, most comprehensive training resource available is There are over 11 hours of short training videos that cover basic terminology, setting up for scripting, creating your first script, debugging etc.
Disclaimer: My company develops this site and it requires a subscription fee for access. But there is some helpful free content you can check out too.

As for books, the new PDF Forms Bible by Ted Padova and Angie Akomoto has a couple chapters on scripting for both AcroForms and LiveCycle Designer PDF forms. Oreilly's JavaScript, The Definitive Guide is the absolute best resource for Core JavaScript, and understanding Core JavaScript is important. Half the book is on Core topics and the other half is browser JavaScript, which is not at all the same as Acrobat JavaScript ( only half the book is applicable but is the best book out there). You can get both from Amazon, and check the Members area here because discounts are sometimes available to members for books.

There are a couple other books but they are older and have not been updated. One is John Deuberts "Extending Forms with Acrobat JavaScript" and another that only covers LiveCycle Designer PDF forms but is not really scripting intensive is JP Terry's "Creating Dynamic Forms with LiveCycle Designer."

AND- of course here at AUC you will find a wealth of articles, tutorials and on-demand e-seminars that cover a whole range of scripting topics. In the Learning Center if you filter for JavaScript there is enough material for a book there alone.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jul 15 2009
Posts: 1
This post has been awesome! I was looking for a decent online site to start from the beginning on learning this stuff. is exactly what I was looking for.
