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Scripts in Adobe LiveCycle Designer

Registered: Jul 8 2009
Posts: 2

For years, my office has been using Microsoft Word/Excel to create forms (expense reports, purchase orders, etc.) due to the relative ease the software suite has in capturing pertinent data and performing mathematical operations.

Recently, my boss decided that he wanted a "more professional look," and instructed me to begin converting everything from MS Excel/Word to Adobe PDF. Using Adobe LiveCycle Designer, I've been able to get the basics down; where I'm having trouble is utilizing scripts for basic arithmetic operations (akin to the Purchase Order Template that was included with Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional).

My only frame of reference is with MS Excel. For example, if I want a summation of a row/column in Excel, I would type in "=SUM(A1:A10)". What little assistance the LiveCycle Designer Help application was, it informed me that I can use "scripts" to automate many functions like arithmetic operations. My problem is that I am *not* a software developer/scripter. Even the most basic of nomenclature and terminology is Greek to me. Concepts like "nodes," "syntax," and the like don't mean much. O_o

I know that there is something called FormCalc that can be used (or JavaScript) to apply the same MS Excel principals to an Adobe form, I just have absolutely zero idea how to go about getting to where I want to go. Can anyone lend a hand?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you looked at any of the vidos? [url=]Creating Fom Tempalte - Using Adobe LiveCycle Designer[/url]

Have you looked at any of the [url=]eSeminars on demand[/url]? [url=]Creating Interactive Forms with LiveCycle Designer (Windows Only)[/url]

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Also, consider running through the tutorials that come with Designer - they cover most of what you need to know.

Under the Help Menu - Getting Started.
Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
VirtualJustin, you've come to the right place for help - this has been a brilliant forum for me to learn and I've even reached a stage where I can occasionally answer other peoples' questions myself. It's always worth doing a Search Forums first because often I find my queries have been asked and answered before.

I started with no FormCalc or JavaScript knowledge, but I'm now creating heaps of brilliant interactive forms. I've also found the e-seminars gkaiseril mentions invaluable.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia