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Select record based on data in the field

Registered: Aug 8 2008
Posts: 37

I have an Acrobat solution which use a list box object to select a social security number from the list then populate the entire form with data from a SQl Server 2005 database via ODBC. It works without a hitch.

However, there is an obvious security problem with personal information (SSN) being seen via the list box.

I would like to allow the users to search from the SSN field. For example, type the SSN number directly in the field and press the refresh button or press the enter key to return only records relating to the one SSN.

As it stands now, all SSNs are listed from the list box and all records can seen via a next button which moves to the next record. I can not hide or disable the next button because more than one record relates to a SSN. I want to allow viewing for one SSN.


Registered: Aug 8 2008
Posts: 37
I found a simple solution by changing the Drop Down List Box to a Text Field and using the same code. Now the user must type a SSN in the field and click the refresh button to retrieve a record related to the SSN. No other SSNs are exposed.
Registered: Nov 2 2007
Posts: 123
Similar problem here - the 'list-box' is perfect - but the "refresh" button doesn't pull up the Record. So I can't try your solution which would appear to be the answer - you couldn't let me have a copy of your "Refresh" button script could you.