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selected checkboxes to display in another text field

Registered: Sep 27 2009
Posts: 20

I am working in Livecycle 8.0 creating a dynamic form

I have 7 checkboxes I need to display which items have been selected in a seperate field i.e

If the user chooses 3 items the names associated with those checkboxes would display in a text box as a list of items.

Does anyone know any code that would do this

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
on the change even of the check box:

if (this.rawValue = 1)
textBox.rawValue = "some text"
Registered: Sep 27 2009
Posts: 20
Hi xrum

thanks for the info however I put this code on the change event on the checkbox and renamed textBox to name of my field however it doesn't show up. Should there be a code on the textBox that will show the item in my text box

thanks shellM
Registered: Sep 27 2009
Posts: 20

Okay I got this to work just needed to add my sub form. I still have a problem though this only displays one of the checkbox's at a time I need to display up to 7 of these check box answers at the same time in the 1 text field.

Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
textBox.rawValue = textBox.rawValue + "more text"
Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
though if you uncheck it'll be hard to delete that one value, maybe you should use a diff. text field for each check box? or maybe a list? or a drop down?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You could use the following code in the "calculation" for the text field:

// clear text variablesvar sBox1 = ""var sBox2 = ""var sBox3 = ""var sBox4 = ""// get field name if field is checkedif(CheckBox1 <> 0) thensBox1 =  CheckBox1.nameendifif(CheckBox2 <> 0) thensBox2 =  CheckBox2.nameendifif(CheckBox3 <> 0) thensBox3 =  CheckBox3.nameendifif(CheckBox4 <> 0) thensBox4 =  CheckBox4.nameendif// display textConcat(sBox1, ", ", sBox2, ", ", sBox3, ", ", sBox4)

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 27 2009
Posts: 20
Hi gkaiseril

I got this to work however I need the information displayed to be stated text as i need spaces and dashes in it and I can't put this in a field name. Is there an additional peice of code which will display a stated name.

Also is possible not to show the comma if the item is not showing in the text field
