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Sequential numbering using Life Cycle

Registered: Feb 23 2007
Posts: 22

I have created a form using Life Cycle 7.0 . This form needs a sequential number that increments every time the form is finalized. For instance, when the form is opened, it put the value '000001' in the Page Number field. The user would then be able to work on that form ONLY. Once all changes are made to that form, it is finalized, and the next time the form is opened, the Page Number field increments to '000002'.

Any ideas??


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Carl Young has a suggestion for this in his post at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Feb 23 2007
Posts: 22
Very helpful, and one of the approaches should solve my problem. Of course, I've moved onto bigger and bigger problems since this first post!! I'll have to readdress this one when time permits.

Thank you for your response.
Registered: Dec 4 2009
Posts: 2
I am new to the board and am looking for a solution. I has LiveCycle 8.2 with Acrobat 9. When I try to use the "page n of m" in a static form it doesn't work. It gives me this result page of with no numbers.It works in a dynamic form. Why is that? Sorry if this is a repeat question.