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Set Minimum Value in Numeric Field

Registered: May 7 2009
Posts: 6

Is there any to set a "Minimum Value" in a numeric filed?

I have researched this and have found nothing so far...
Maybe I'm not using correct terminology?

EX: I want the user to enter a number no less than 60"

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You need to write a "validation" script that sets a value of "0", zero, if then value of the field is less than 60 and a value of "1", one, if 60 or greater. For the "Validate" action you can use the following script:

// test to see if this field's input is not less than 60if($.rawValue lt 60) then0 // set validation return to falseelse1 // set validation return to trueendif

You can also provide a custom validation script error message.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 7 2009
Posts: 6
Very easy answer I just wasn't finding it.

Thank you very much for your quick reply. :)
Registered: May 7 2009
Posts: 6
I was not able to figure out how to use the code you gave me.
I am a novice and there is a lot I don't understand.
I have figured out quite a bit though in the few months I have been working on this project.

I did find a code that will give the user an error message if they enter less than 60:

60 <= this.rawValue && this.rawValue <=999It still allows the entry if it is less than 60 though.

My biggest problem is that the entry could involve fractional entries ( 62-1/2")

Perhaps what I'm trying to do is not possible because of the fractions?

Here is the PDF I am working on. [url=]Custom Privacy Partitions PDF[/url]

If you select a RIGHT CORNER stall and enter the stall width you will see what I am working on.

Thanks in advance for any help :)