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Setting tab order to ignore certain fields

Registered: May 12 2009
Posts: 13

Hello -

I have a dynamic form that I am setting up the tab order on. I have 3 numeric fields that are calculated and do not want these fields to be tabbed to at all. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you!

Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
The only way I have found to do it is to make the number of the field to be either before all of the other fields or after. For example, calcfield1 is tab1, calcfield2 is tab2, calcfield3 is tab3, all the fields you want to tab thru start at tab4.
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
If the fields are calculated automatically, you can set them to "protected", to exclude them from the tab order.

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Registered: May 12 2009
Posts: 13
radzmar wrote:
If the fields are calculated automatically, you can set them to "protected", to exclude them from the tab order.
This worked, sort of. When I set the field to protected, it messed my tabbing order up a little.

I have a dynamic form with a subform that lists Dimension, Weight, Cubic Feet, and Density and has a delete button. I have an Add field outside of the subform. I have the subform initial count set to 10.

Once I set Density to "protected", my tabbing is Delete > Dimensions > Weight > Cubic Feet > Density > Add > Delete > Dimensions > Weight, etc. It's supposed to be Delete > Dimensions > Weight > Cubic Feet > Delete > Dimensions > Weight > Cubic Feet, etc., until it has tabbed through all 10, and then it would tab to Add.