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shopping list type form

Registered: Aug 21 2010
Posts: 17

I wasn't sure how to name the subject line, but the general idea could relate to a shopping list. (In actuality, it is medically related)
In essence, let's say I am creating a form in which the user may ultimately need to list a number of items that may vary in number. To keep it simple, let's say the person needs to buy multiple items (e.g., a gray shirt, a blue shirt, a green shirt, pants with different colors/sizes, other items with different sizes, colors.)
If I use a drop down list field, I can give that user the option of what to choose. However, I don't want multiple duplicate fields as I can't predict how many different items would be chosen.
Let's say my form has a section for shirts, pants, socks, shoes, sweaters, jackets.
I would like for there to be a single line/drop-down list for these 6 categories. If that user chooses 3 different shirts for that category, the form would have the capability to put the different shirts on 3 different lines when that form is completed/returned. The only way I can see to do this with LCD is to have a separate field for each final choice, but again I don't know how many items will be chosen. I also don't want to just put like 10 duplicate fields in each category with the assumption that the user would not choose more than 10 items per category as this would be an incorrect assumption (could be more) and it would be a clunky form.
Please advise. Am using Acrobat X Pro, LCD2.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
LiveCycle forms can be dynamic, meaning that new lines, blocks of fields, and pages can be created dynamically as the user enters data. So it has the capabilities you need. Put one line for each category, and then repeat the line for each entry the user needs.

It sounds like you just need to learn about LiveCycle form development. There plenty of videos, articles, and samples on this site. Spend some time looking over the available material.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
Check this tutorial. It may be exactly what you're trying to do.