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Registered: Oct 19 2006
Posts: 270

My transition from Acrobat to designer doesn't seems easy..

With Acrobat 8.0 was very simple but with designer I don't know how to accomblish this one:

I'll like when I click a button to show up a hidden Image, then when the user hits the Image(something like close) to hide the Image.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
There is a sample of how to show/hide images in the same field for a dynamic form with LiveCycle available at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 19 2006
Posts: 270
Thanks very much for your reply but this which I am looking for is, the field for the image I'll prefer to be hidden and show when a user hits a button.
Also I like the idea to have a close(hide) button for the imagr field.
Is it this possible in LC Desinger?

Thanks again