I have an expense form which is acting very strange. It consists of several user entered fields in one table row all formated as currency. In one of the fields however a calculation is taking place using Formcalc and the script is:
if(DeptCode == 722)
This field is also formated to return currency. The stange part is the total which is summing up all the fields, does not round up correctly. For example, if I put in 679km which is then multiplied by .555, the total of this is $376.845, if I then put another amount in another field of i.e. $20.01, the total will return $396.85 instead of $396.86. Even stranger is if I put amounts of .01 in all of the different fields, it either does not include the .01 and skips it or will add it as .02.
I did try putting Ceiling in to round up but it rounded up to the highest dollar with no cents as did Round. Does anyone know how to get it to round correctly?
Are you rounding the individual computed mileage values?
The display format does not disclose the actual value but the value rounded for the display format. You might try changing the number of decimal places to a greater precision and observe what happens. You might need to round the individual mileage computations.
George Kaiser