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Strange manner of drop down list with nummeric items (1,2,3, etc)

Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55

Hi folks,

could someone tell me what is going wrong with drop down list of nummeric items like 1,2,3... Its behaviour is very weird, when selecting items like such a list. For example, you choose 1 first, then 3. After selecting it is not possible to change the selected item to another???

But changing the list item to one (1), two (2), etc. works well.

Thanx for you help or advices!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Do you use any scripts in the drop down list?

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Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55
Hi Radzmar,

nice to hear you! Back to your question. Yes, i both use and not use (java) script in the lists. The list with script is just the define precense of a sub form, nothing else! e. g.

subform.presence = (this.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "1") ? "visible" : "hidden";

Thanx for your answer!
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Do you use this script in the change event of the drop down?
And, is there a reason you need to use boundItem method?

How behaves your form with a script like this.

SubForm1.presence = xfa.event.newText == "1" ? "visible" : "hidden";

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LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55
HI Radzmar,

thanks for your advice! Its also possible writting the code you suggested! The script is in fact used in the change event.

Generally i would prefer to use the items bound to make sure that the right stuff has selected and not depend on (user) input. I. e. you neednt care about it, just continue with the action (change).

On the other hand, working with item's bound is easier and safer, i guess!

But the problem is not the kind of writting code or use the xfa.event.newText! The problem is in generall the strange manner of drop down list when list item's length < 2. You cant select the right stuff you want!Have a nice day and see you!
Registered: Jun 27 2007
Posts: 55
Hi Radzmar,

i write you back here, so other can also look at the result of this thread. Thanks a lot for your help! Its great!

Using new text (xfa.event.newText) like your suggestion works well. But you have to deactive the option 'specify item values' in binding in addition. This problem just occurs when you have a list of nummeric numbers and asserting the selected index and/or item's bound. But you dont get the problem by the list items with other typ like string.

Radzmar, i ask for your understanding but its not allow to send you the form.

Wish you a nice time and see you soon!

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

I tested around and read some articles in the web.
Maybe you change your script a bit into this direction.

var MySelection = xfa.event.newText;var MyBoundItem = this.boundItem(MySelection);SubForm.presence = MyBoundItem == 1 ? "visible" : "hidden";

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