I have used Acrobat for quite some time and have used other scripting/programming languages, but I am new to creating forms and Live Cycle Designer.
First I have to say thanks for the assistance I have already gotten from the user community by reading the posted info.
I am currently trying to display an appropriate chart on a form based on the users' selection from a drop down.
I have seen several postings that are related, but not quite what I wanted to do and I've been close to the solution using several different methods, but haven't quite hit it. I've read a lot of the Adobe documentation also, but I feel I am missing some connecting piece - I know it shouldn't be this complicated.
Can anyone advise a methodology or direct me to perhaps a more step by step tutorial.....subform set? and if so how to link to the drop down choice as opposed to a data set.........change events of a drop down and "presence" of text? - I'm working on it, but seems like a lot of Java script(which I am new to, but willing to learn)......better way?
I am currently using PRO 9, but may be getting X shortly where I believe "Actions" may help.
In the on-exit event for the drop-down just use a javascript switch statement to display the appropriate form. The initial "switch(YourFieldName)" starts the process off, and since it is a dropdown, there is a corresponding "case" statement for each possible value. You can optionally omit the "default" statement if the choices are limited to what is in the dropdown.Each "case" statement takes a single option, and then displays the appropriate subform(s) for that option. Use of the "break;" statement after each "case" statement takes the logical path out of the "switch" statement once a successful match is found. It is also possible to build such a "switch" to execute several cases in one pass by leaving out the "break;".
Javascript isn't there to perplex you, it's there to help. The W3 Schools site I linked above is a great resource for learning just what you need to know and answering questions you may have!
Hope that helps!
LiveCycle Designer 8.0
"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." ~~ Thomas Edison
"If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer." ~~ Alan Lewis
"If the conventional doesn't work, try the unconventional" ~~ DaveyB