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Submit button on form not working for some users.

Registered: May 13 2008
Posts: 9

I have developed a form with an email submit button. The button works fine for me and other users, creating an email in Outlook with the pdf attached. The probelm I am seeing is that for some users, the button does nothing at all. I have enabled usage rights, and as I said before, it works fine for some users. The only difference I can visibly notice is that when a working user opens the form, the header message says "Please Fill Out The Following Form". When a non-working user opens the form, the header message states something about printing out a copy of the form for your records. Basically, the button does nothing at all for these users. I'm at a loss here. They are on the same version of Acrobat. Any help would be appreciated.

Registered: May 13 2008
Posts: 9
Does anybody have any ideas on this?
Registered: Jul 17 2007
Posts: 30
Do the machines that are failing have Outlook operational on them? Is it possibly not finding an active e-Mail Client? I see they are all on the same version - what about client? Acrobat Reader/Acrobat Professional/...?

Just a few thoughts.
Registered: May 13 2008
Posts: 9
The PC's in question all have Outlook 2003 going through our Exchange server. They are all running Reader, 8.1.2. If they aren't, I am updating reader to the latest as I find them.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
What is the syntax of the email button? Are the recipients of the form accessing via browser? Are multiple users accessing the form at the same time? Do you have a reset button on the form? What format have you saved the form in?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 13 2008
Posts: 9
The syntax is just "mailto: email [at] email [dot] com". The form is posted on our intranet site, so users access the form by browser (IE 6 and 7). Multiple users can access the form at the same time. There is no reset button. The form is in PDF format.
The submit button is working for some users, bringing up an email from Outlook with the pdf attached. Although multiple users can access the form, not very many people know about it yet (still testing), so the odds that someone else is accessing the form at the same time is pretty low at the moment. The only difference in the form I can see is that for PC's that it's working on, the header on the form reads "Please Fill Out the Following Form". The PC's it is not working on read "Please Fill Out The Following Form. You cannot save data typed into this form. Please Print Your Completed Form If You Would Like A Copy For Your Records."
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Do the systems that it isn't working on have additional versions of Reader (i.e., something earlier than 7.0.5)? I'm wondering if the browser is referencing an earlier version of Reader that doesn't understand Reader-enabling.

Is the form saved as a static or dynamic form?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 13 2008
Posts: 9
Just double-checked a couple of systems that it's not working on, and they have no earlier versions of reader installed. I was sure I uninstalled the one's that needed updated, but it had been a couple days since, so I made sure.

I'm do not know what the difference between static and dynamic is related to Adobe forms. Still a little new to this.
Registered: May 13 2008
Posts: 9
Thank you for all your help on this, Ikassuba. Turns out I replaced the form with one that I had not enabled reader usage rights on, and the PC's it was working on ALL HAD PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED!! Feel dumb, but I learned to not take anything for granted today.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Thanks for letting me know -- sometimes it's not very obvious if a form is Reader-enabled or not.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for