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Submit by Email button (PDF instead of XML?)

Registered: Nov 18 2010
Posts: 4

We have created a form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer which we would users to complete and then send back to us as a PDF.
We have added the Submit by Email button to the form but unfortunetly when this is clicked it opens a blank email and attaches the form info in XML format instead of PDF.
I'm sure there must be a simple way of changing this - is anyone please able to advise?
Many thanks

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi leejohnevans1982,

Instead of using the Submit by Email button place a plain button on the form. Then under the Field tab for the button select as Control type "Submit." You will then see another tab "Submit" where you can select to "Submit as" PDF there.

Hope this helps,

Registered: Nov 18 2010
Posts: 4

Thanks for your response,

I added a plain button to the form and changed the button to type submit. I then changed the "Submit As" type to PDF. In the Submit to URL box I entered my email address leejohnevans1982@***.com When I clicked the button a message appeared stating "Acrobat does not allow connection to leejohnevans1982@***.com"

- that's okay, I guessed it was expecting a URL so I changed this to mailto:leejohnevans1982@***.com. Now when I click the button I get a message saying that "the form contains an email submit button", "clicking the button will send the form data but not the form". I click Close and nothing happens, I click the button again, nothing happens.

If I now go back and changed the "Submit as Type" to XML and click the button my email client opens and creates a new email to leejohnevans1982@***.com

The behavious is the same in Reader and Pro.

- any ideas?

Basically I want the form the be sent in PDF, including the data the user has entered.

Registered: Nov 22 2010
Posts: 1
On this same issue, how do I access the xml data if I use the "Submit Email" button? I'm sure that's a stupid question, but the help menus in Acrobat and Lifecycle only describe the features you can already see, not what they do or how they affect other operations.
Registered: Nov 18 2010
Posts: 4
RogerGray wrote:
On this same issue, how do I access the xml data if I use the "Submit Email" button? I'm sure that's a stupid question, but the help menus in Acrobat and Lifecycle only describe the features you can already see, not what they do or how they affect other operations.
You can pull the XML format back into the form by opening a copy of the form in Adobe Acrobat Prossenional (I am using Adobe Pro x). I have a bunch of palettes on the right hand side of my screen (Page, Content, Forms, Action Wizard etc...).
I open the Forms palette, choose More Form Options, Manage Form Data, Import Data, Choose the XML file, click Select. Job done.

For my probem I would prefer to receive a PDF back though, rather than XML - ideas anyone?
Registered: Nov 18 2010
Posts: 4
I have downloaded any example order form from this website:-

When I click the Submit by Email button on this example nothing happens either but when I change the format to XML it works - perhaps this is something caused by the configuration of my client pc?

Registered: Dec 3 2010
Posts: 1
I don't know if this will help but I will post it anyway. I am using Acrobat 8.0 Prof and having the same issue. I created a document and included a button to submit via email using the same steps within this forum thread. I got the same error. It was either not creating an email or it was creating an xml file. So, I followed the steps again. Then I saved the file to my desktop. I tried to open in Acrobat Reader. the form appeared but the submit button didn't work. So then I tried to open the document in Acrobat 8.0 Prof. It opened and sure enough, when I clicked on the submit button, it created an email and attached as a PDF. I find it weird that it would do that via the full version rather than the reader. So either we're doing it wrong or there is a compatibility issue within one of the Adobe programs. I'm not an IT or Adobe expert but I even tried changing the settings and preferences to the lowest version of Adobe Standard just to see if it would work and still it did not within Reader and I have Adobe Reader X with all updates installed.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi leejohnevans1982,

Did you add Extended Rights for Adobe Reader to the form as a last step before saving it? When you want the entire PDF (with data entered) submitted, it must be saved first before being attached to the email (the user doesn't have to manually do a save, but it makes sense that they must have a saved file in order to attach to an email. So this happens under the covers when you use the Entire PDF submit feature). And, in order to Save a filled PDF using the free Adobe Reader, the PDF must have Save Rights applied. Try applying Extended Rights and let us know if that fixes this for you.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Apr 20 2008
Posts: 3
Hey, here is a solution I use in all of my form designs.

Create a blank button and add the following code..
Make sure you use Javascript, Client for scripting and use the below code for either 'Click' or 'mouseDown' or 'mouseUp'...


var subject1 = "This is your Subject line";
var address1 = "email [dot] address [at] sendto [dot] com";
var body1 = "\nHello%2C\n\n This is your body of the email message";{cURL:"mailto:" + address1 +"?subject=" + subject1 +"&body=" + body1 + "",cSubmitAs:"PDF",cCharset:"utf-8"});
Registered: Jul 24 2007
Posts: 4
Or you could just change the submit format ="xml" to submit format ="pdf" in the XML Source view (tab)

Hello. I am a Technical Writer and Industrial Trainer working for Engineering, Manufacturing and Human Resources Departments.

Registered: Feb 25 2011
Posts: 2
Dear dtuley7

Tell me where to put this script you gave us please. I'm lost.

var subject1 = "This is your Subject line";
var address1 = "email [dot] address [at] sendto [dot] com";
var body1 = "\nHello%2C\n\n This is your body of the email message";{cURL:"mailto:" + address1 +"?subject=" + subject1 +"&body=" + body1 + "",cSubmitAs:"PDF",cCharset:"utf-8"});[/quote]
Registered: Feb 25 2011
Posts: 2

Thx for info, but HOW do you add Extended Rights for Adobe Reader to the form as a last step before saving it? I don't know how to make the PDF have Save Rights applied. Help!

Registered: Jul 24 2007
Posts: 4
You View the XML Source script; find the Email Button script; then find the Submit line and replace the letters xml with the letters pdf and save it.

Hello. I am a Technical Writer and Industrial Trainer working for Engineering, Manufacturing and Human Resources Departments.

Registered: Dec 19 2008
Posts: 1
Thanks, Krodgers. That worked for me. Question: When the pdf is attached to the email, it comes out with an alpha numeric name. Is there any way to have the form renamed so it has a better identifier? Thanks!

I figured it out. After the user saves the form and names it differently, that name is what is transmitted in the attachment line of the email.
Registered: Jul 24 2007
Posts: 4
Two things:
1. Even though I know you found it, for next make it easier to find the email button line in the XML Source, click on the email button then go to the XML Source Tab. The line will be highlighted.
2. To make the document(or form)title show up in the subject line of the email,On the Object Tab, type the title in the "Subject line" field that is under the email address field.

Hello. I am a Technical Writer and Industrial Trainer working for Engineering, Manufacturing and Human Resources Departments.

Registered: Sep 29 2009
Posts: 12

To Extend Rights for Adobe Reader ... you'll find it under the Advanced menu. Here's a link to some helpful tips for this.

Wish me luck!