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Submit by email To: will not populate with email address

Registered: Feb 8 2011
Posts: 8

I have a form created in LiveCycle 8. I've created a submit by email button and put my email address in the "mailto:". When I click the submit button, my email client, Lotus Domino Web Access, opens and the subject line is completed and the PDF form is attached to the email, but the To: will not populate with the email address I put in.
Do you think this is a Lotus issue or maybe the company's firewall set-up?
I've also tried to do this using Acrobat Pro 9 and have the same issue.
Thank you/jasaussie


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
You could use a server-side script to send the e-mail attachment, such as sends PDF form submissions without 3rd party e-mail software such as Outlook or Lotus. runs on Microsoft .net web servers, and no programming required!

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