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Submit form

Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 11


Could you please advise, I've just purchase Abode 9 pro with livecycle and have an interactive form which needs to be sent out, the problem arises when you click on the submit form button, another users email address appears in the to: field, how do I change this?


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57
Hi Selwyn,

Have a look at the help topic at:

Using LiveCycle Designer ES > Working with Objects > Using objects > Using buttons > To customize the email submit buttonCheers
Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 11
Hi Helen

Thanks for the reply, I've tried changing the email address using the script editor and in the object palette, after saving the changes, I click on the sumbit form button, when the send form open, it has another users email adress in the to:

Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57

Did you build this form? Do you know if there is script setting the email address of the button? Do you experience the same problem when you create a new form and use an email submit button?

Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 11
Hi Hélène

I created the form by importing from a word doc. Didn't create the email button, when I click the distribution button, the submit form button is created in the pdf.

Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57

I see. Were you on your computer when you completed Acrobat's Distribute Form dialog? The Help says the form will be emailed back to 'your' mailbox.

Out of curiosity, do you recognize the email address you want to change? Have you tried re-distributing the form?

Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 11

Yeah, was on my pc, I do recognise the mail address and I have tried redistrubuting, still no luck

Registered: Jun 8 2009
Posts: 230
I had issues with submit not doing what I wanted, so I replaced it with my own button. Selwyn I suggest instead of using a standard 'submit button' from the library, that you just use a standard 'button'. Then in the Object Palette:

- in the Field tab, give the button whatever name you want (eg. Submit Form).
- Under 'Control type' select the 'Submit' radio button.
- Next click the 'Submit' tab.
- In the 'Submit to URL' field, type 'mailto:selwyn [at] youremailaddress [dot] com'I obviously made that email address up, but you get the idea, just type 'mailto:" and whatever email address.

I hope I haven't misunderstood what you're looking for and I hope I'm not being too basic on this. If so, my apologies, but if not, I hope it helps.

from way... underground at Parkes - central West NSW - Australia

Registered: Sep 1 2009
Posts: 11
Thanks Hélène and Peta,

It's mailing the document to me, just that the info in the send form still has the old mail address, did this yesterday, but forgot to change xml to pdf.

Registered: Aug 11 2009
Posts: 57

Strange. Peta's suggestion sounds like the best thing to do so far. I can't thing of any reason why your scenario isn't working in the first place. If you are able to reproduce the problem from a new form, it may be worth logging a bug to Acrobat. I believe you can go to, click on the 'Send Feedback' link, then click on 'Report a Bug' link. If you can't reproduce after creating a new form then maybe you could copy the content of the old form into a new one and try the distribute again.

Good luck,