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Submitting form through Outlook email

Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63

I have a submit button in a form. When User clicks on it, it opens Outlook, addresses the email to the right person, and attaches the form to the email. The problem is that in the subject field, it puts garbage. It puts letters and symbols in there that are not related to the form.
How can I control what LCD puts into the Outlook subject line.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 31 2010
Posts: 44
right click on the button near the edge -> palette -> objectschange it here

PDFchild [at] gmail [dot] com - Go Green Save Paper Adopt a PDF

Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
If you need full control over the submission process including SUBJECT/BODY/FORMAT, you could submit to a server-side script (ASP/PHP) that attaches the PDF to a SMTP message and sends it to a specified email recipient w/o the need for 3rd party e-mail software such as Outlook, check out

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Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
@PDFChild: I don't see where in the Objects palette you change the subject field. Can you be more specific?

@NK-INC: I don't know how to write ASP/PHP scripts. Also, since I am behind a firewall, I don't know if your solution would work but I do appreciate you responding.


Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
@PDFChild: I don't see where in the Objects palette you change the subject field. Can you be more specific?

@NK-INC: I don't know how to write ASP/PHP scripts. Also, since I am behind a firewall, I don't know if your solution would work but I do appreciate you responding.


Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
If you're using an Email Submit Button, under the Object palette, Field tab, you can set recipient email address and the email subject.

If you're using a regular Button with Control Type (Object palette, Field tab) set to "Submit", then you go to the Submit tab. Make the "Submit to URL":

mailto:recipientaddress [at] company [dot] com?subject="Your Subject Line"=============================================================================

See this page on mailto syntax for ways to specify message body, CC people, etc:

Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
@NK-INC: I don't know how to write ASP/PHP scripts.
Also, since I am behind a firewall, I don't know if your solution would work but I do appreciate you responding.
@Gillian: No problem.. creates the scripts for you. For the firewall issue, do you have a .net website?
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
I can't use the Email submit button because the form has to go to a distribution list. The email submit button only lets you do one address that follows the format: name [at] domain [dot] com. The address I am sending to is dl [dot] group [dot] groupname [at] domain [dot] com. So I have been using the regular button and clicking submit for control type. Then I can enter the distribution list email in the submit tab.So how do I control the subject with the button tab?


Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
I can't use the Email submit button because the form has to go to a distribution list. The email submit button only lets you do one address that follows the format: name [at] domain [dot] com. The address I am sending to is dl [dot] group [dot] groupname [at] domain [dot] com. So I have been using the regular button and clicking submit for control type. Then I can enter the distribution list email in the submit tab.So how do I control the subject with the button tab?


Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
Accepted Answer
Make the "Submit to URL" the following:

mailto:dl [dot] group [dot] groupname [at] domain [dot] com?subject="Your Subject Line"
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
That worked. However, now it attaches the form with a bizarre name full of wierd characters. It doesn't use the actual name of the form. How do I fix that?


Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
Unfortunately, I have no idea why that's happening. You could search through the forums to see if earlier threads have dealt with that problem... I hope someone else has a better answer than this.
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
OK, thanks for your responses.


Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 63
OK, thanks for your responses.
