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Submitting form without email client??

Registered: Feb 6 2011
Posts: 2

Hi All,
Am I missing something here? I've spent the best part of 3hrs trying to find information on how I can setup my online livecycle generated pdf form to send itself (with the information filled by the user) directly to my email address like any normal php form would? Instead it asks to select an email client.. surely this convoluted method is not the one and only way to send the form?? If it is, this pretty much renders it useless in my books, there would be too much margin for user error.
Obviously with an html form you have the form in an html page, then a php script sitting on the server which sends the data from the form off to a specified email after the user hits the 'submit' button... is there a similar script we can have our forms communicate with on the server to avoid having to rely on the user attaching the form to their email and sending it off manually?!?!?

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Use an "HTTP Submit" button in LiveCycle Designer. Search the Help doc for more information. It will submit to a web server script using the HTTP Post method using URL-encoded data, as an HTML form would. The server script can then process the incoming data and send an email. You can also use a standard button and select the various submit options, and specify a "Submit As" format of URL-encoded. Use this option if you want to use HTTPS.
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
Are you able to use Microsoft

If so, Check out uses iTextSharp and SMTP servers to send e-mail directly to the recipients w/o the need for client-email software.

Useful Links:
Registered: Feb 6 2011
Posts: 2
Hi George,

Thanks very much for the reply.

This seems like a logical way to go.. do you have any idea where I find a sample script that I can tweak??


Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
There are hundreds, probably thousands available. What sort of server-side environment would you be using?