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synchronzing multiple dropdowns on selection, how to do this

Registered: Jan 9 2009
Posts: 17


is it possible to synchronize the content of fields with a dropdown fields behind on what is selected from the dropdown?

I have 3 fields with a dropdown list behind ,
if a one of the 3 fields is changed by chosing a value from the dropdown list,
can the content of two other fields be changed by chosing the appropriate value in "table/dropdown" from the dropdown fields.

Remark: the dropdown list will always have the same number of rows.

I think an Array should be created with the content of the 3 drop down list, so when one the fields changes, the array can be consulted to pick up the 2 other values in Array.

it is possible and how to create an array from incoming XML? and how?

can anyone help?


Christophe Van Mechelen

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi cvanmech,

If I undertsand your question correctly, this tutorial and sample download files show how you can do this in both AcroForms and LiveCycle Designer forms-

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jan 9 2009
Posts: 17
Use the the selectedIndex in the exit of the field.

----- .field2::exit: - (JavaScript, client) -----------------------

field1.selectedIndex = .field2.selectedIndex;
field3.selectedIndex = field2.selectedIndex;

This works