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Tabbing order

Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123

I know this is an issue often causing frustration because it should be so simple.

I have a 21 page document with tabbing order that I set custom with the "Tab Order View." All items are on Page 1 streamed in flowable format, with numerous instances which are initially hidden and then come into view to expand the form from 3 pages to 21.

Everything works fine, until page 16. When the final item on this page is reached through tabbing, the next tab takes you back to the third item on Page 1, which is the first item that a user can input data into.

I really don't know what to do. If anyone has any solutions, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
I reset the tab order to "automatic" and I am still getting the same problem, in the same spot.
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Click on the offending field and go to the xml source.

Towards the bottom of the code for the field you are on (before the tag) there will be some tags.You want to remove them or change the reference to the field you want. If you remove it it should go to the next logical field.

As a warning - it may come back! You may have to fix this every time you make changes.
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
Am I only deleting the instances of traversal in the ones that are working improperly?

I was under the impression that I had to erase them all and just began doing so. I am on line 4000 of 16,000!

Thanks for your help. I would literally be lost without this forum and find people like you.
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
I just remove/fix the ones that give me trouble.
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
My problem is going from "Nov" to "Dec," and for whatever reason there was no "traversal" scripting between the two. I forged one but it is still not working.

And ideas?
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
You can script it with to force a move to the desired field.;
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
In the scripting area, or xml? I really have no idea..
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Sorry, ya, put that on the Exit event of the field in question.
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
Focus does what, orders the cursor to tab to the "focused" field?
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Yup, exactly - on tabbing out of the field (the Exit event) setFocus will explicitly send the cursor to the specified field.
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
That did not work either. I tried it with and without the traversal scripting as well.
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Are you getting an error in the javascript console in Acrobat?

Make sure you are specifying the complete path to the field you are after (for either the Traversal tags or the setFocus script).

The easiest way is to get it the path is while you're clicked in the script editor navigate to where you can see the field you are after, then hold down the ctrl key and click on the field (the cursor should change to a "V") - you want to do that between the brackets in;

You should end up with something kind of like the following:"subOrder.#subform.subOldJob.DateLastOrder"));
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
No I am not getting any error messages. The cursor just disappears.

I just tried your new code, and mine looks like this:"form1.Page1.Surveys.WalkInS.WalkInSMonths.Dec"));

Still doesnt work. :(
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Ya got me stumped. :)

Hopefully someone else will have some ideas!
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
After being SO frustrated by this, I realized I can just erase the problematic field and recreate it. Hope it doesn't get corrupted again, for whatever reason. And I hope Adobe has a better solution for this someday.

Thanks so much for your continuous help with this.
Registered: Jan 31 2008
Posts: 133
Ah, cool hadn't thought of that!

Will keep it in mind for the next time tab order starts driving me nuts. :)
Registered: Mar 27 2009
Posts: 123
There seriously has GOT TO BE A FIX for this GLITCH!!

I was expecting edits when I passed on my form for review.. but I didn't expect everything on the form to go totally ape s*** when I changed one little thing. I am not adding in scripting or html, why would tab order do whatever the hell it wants!?