Can anyone explain and offer a solution to my table header continuation problem? My table is set to allow additional rows with add/delete buttons. In the Accessibility tab, its role is marked as "header row". In Object>Pagination tab, both "Include header in initial & subsequent pages" are checked. I have it listed as following previous and continuing following parent. Binding is set to normal. This table is NOT wrapped in any subforms.
When I test/preview my PDF, using the add buttons, it breaks over to a second page as it should, with the header row showing at the top. However, when you continue to add more rows, if the form carries over to 3 or more pages, the header row no longer shows at the top of my table/page.
What seems to be the issue??
BTW I usually rename the subform for the page which is usually called (untitled Subform) (page 1) to say MainPageSF to make it easier to reference. And I made the table big enough so I wouldn't have to add so many new rows to the table when I preview it.
Table1 settings:
Object > Table > Allow Page Breaks within Content checkbox is checked
Object > Binding > Repeat Table for each Data Item and Min Count checkboxes are checked.
Leave Row Shading and Pagination setting alone.
HeaderRow settings:
Object > Binding > Repeat Table for each Data Item and Min Count checkboxes are checked.
Object > Pagination > Include Header Row in Initial Page and Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages checkboxes should be checked.Row1 settings:
Object > Binding > Repeat Table for each Data Item and Min Count checkboxes are checked.Now to make sure the header was going to appear at the top of each page I checked the Initial Count checkbox and set the number to 20 so there would be at least 3 pages when I previewed the form.
Give those setting a try.