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Table header not repeating on multiple pages

Registered: Feb 7 2007
Posts: 90

Can anyone explain and offer a solution to my table header continuation problem? My table is set to allow additional rows with add/delete buttons. In the Accessibility tab, its role is marked as "header row". In Object>Pagination tab, both "Include header in initial & subsequent pages" are checked. I have it listed as following previous and continuing following parent. Binding is set to normal. This table is NOT wrapped in any subforms.

When I test/preview my PDF, using the add buttons, it breaks over to a second page as it should, with the header row showing at the top. However, when you continue to add more rows, if the form carries over to 3 or more pages, the header row no longer shows at the top of my table/page.

What seems to be the issue??

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 6 2006
Posts: 368
I don't know if you already figured it out but let me give it a try. I made a simple document with a simple 3 column table that has two rows. The top row is the Header with the three columns merged to one. The next row has three cells. Here are the setting for the table and rows.

BTW I usually rename the subform for the page which is usually called (untitled Subform) (page 1) to say MainPageSF to make it easier to reference. And I made the table big enough so I wouldn't have to add so many new rows to the table when I preview it.

Table1 settings:
Object > Table > Allow Page Breaks within Content checkbox is checked
Object > Binding > Repeat Table for each Data Item and Min Count checkboxes are checked.
Leave Row Shading and Pagination setting alone.

HeaderRow settings:
Object > Binding > Repeat Table for each Data Item and Min Count checkboxes are checked.
Object > Pagination > Include Header Row in Initial Page and Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages checkboxes should be checked.Row1 settings:
Object > Binding > Repeat Table for each Data Item and Min Count checkboxes are checked.Now to make sure the header was going to appear at the top of each page I checked the Initial Count checkbox and set the number to 20 so there would be at least 3 pages when I previewed the form.

Give those setting a try.
