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Table page breaks

Registered: Sep 8 2008
Posts: 15

I have a table with header and footer that has add/remove buttons in the footer to add rows. Once the table reaches the end of the page i need it to break to the next page and keep the header and footer. OK I understand to check the box to allow page breaks. The problem is my uppermost subform on the hierarchy is set to positioned so it will not break the table. the subforms of that are flowed. If i change the top subform to flowed i am not able to keep the tables centered on the page. I am new to livecycle forms development and am off to a good start.. just stuck on this one.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
You might be able to get away with putting your headers and footers on a master page and then set the occurance to min 1 max 2.

You can have more then one master page, but DO NOT PUT ANY FIELDS YOU WANT SAVED IN THE MASTER.

Master Pages are not the only thing that can be repeated normal pages can occur more then once as well, in some of my projects there was a need to create 100 similar pages, I only laid out one page and let Livecycle create 100
occurances of that page.
Registered: Sep 8 2008
Posts: 15
The tables and footers are actually the least of my worries, The main thing is that i need the tables to break. I am not sure if you understood my question dk3dknight. maybe i just dont understand your answer. I know that i can make the tables break when i set certain subforms to flowed but then i lose my formatting and am not sure how to insert invisible objects as placeholders.
Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
If you set a object to invisible:


The object is transparent. Although invisible, "the object still takes up space."

To do this place a object then under Object(Field) on your right little pane under presence set from visible to invisible.

You can also script objects becoming invisible

ObjectsName.presence = "invisible"

Hidden is not the same as being invisible, objects that are hidden do no hold space, and its as if they did not exist.

Hope this helps.
Registered: Sep 15 2009
Posts: 1
I know this is an old question, but I am having a similar problem with 'flowing' text fields in a table.
They flow off the page.

I had to redesign the form and just use text object with Text Fields that flow. My new problem is, when the text field grows (from the last column of the form - the right hand side), the text overflows to the left hand column on page 2. Did you have a similar experience? or were you able to make tables flow to the next page with flowable text fields?

Just curious if this will solve my mystery. Thanks - J