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Tables / Tab Order

Registered: Apr 18 2008
Posts: 2

I just spent several days creating a multi-page form with a table on the second page. The table has 26 rows, 5 columns. I have set the tab order for the table. When I go to Preview PDF, it will not "acknowledge" the 2nd to 26th row. Hitting tab works fine in the first row, but when I get to the last field of the first row, hitting tab carries me to the first field on the third page. If I go back to the first field on the 2nd row and hit tab, it will take me back to the third page. No matter when subsequent cell I place my cursor, it does this. Help! Why is it not acknowledging the other rows in the tab sort in the table? I believe this also ties into the fact that my row calculations work, but not my column calculations.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 15 2008
Posts: 35

Tab order in LCD is notoriously problematic. The first thing I would try is looking at the structure of your table in Hierarchy view. Make sure the order of rows there matches the order of the rows in the table itself. Also, look for anything in the structure that seems irregular, i.e., that doesn't look like the tree you would expect, based on your table.

I've heard people say that tab order gets messed up when you insert new fields in the middle of fields you've already created--apparently the tab order sometimes depends on the order in which the fields were created. (If you inserted rows, that could explain the problem.)

Another option is editing the traversal tags in XML view, though I'd try other options first. If you want more info on that, you could check this post:

It's a slightly different topic, but the principle still applies.
