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Text Box with formula to Provide Current Date

Registered: Sep 10 2010
Posts: 2

This is my first post so if this is in the incorrect place please let me know....

I have a PDF real estate contract which has always been printed out and filled out by hand. The date field needs to be current with the day even the contract could have been signed two weeks ago. Is there a way to insert a text box and plug in a formula to show the current date.


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Yes. If you are using LiveCycle Design there is a custom field for the current date. If you are using Acrobat Forms tool to create the form, then create a text field with the date format as needed and for the following document level JavaScript:

function CurrentDate(){return new Date();} this.getField('Text1').defaultValue = CurrentDate();this.getField('Text1').value = this.getField('Text1').defaultValue;

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 10 2010
Posts: 2
I have gotten this to work in LiveCycle design. Is there a way to edit the text to make the text smaller and also format so the date reads September 13, 2010 as opposed to 09/13/10.
