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Text fields in cell / Grouping two rows in table

Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73


I am working on a dynamic form with a flowing table (in a subform) in LiveCycle Designer. Here's my first question:

The leftmost column is just text, explaining to users what they should consider while entering info in the right column. (It is a performance review form.) I'd like to insert three text fields into one of the cells in the left column for users to enter days and hours of personal time, and number of tardies. When I try to put a text field in there, it turns the whole cell into one big text field. How can I place three text fields inside one cell for users to type data into?

Here's my second question:

Since the table is flowing, can I somehow group two rows together so that if a row flows to the next page, the row above it will stay with it? I already have headers set up to repeat as necessary at the top of each page. However, for each category there's a row of radio buttons to rate performance (1 to 5) that I've placed in the row above where users type data. I just want the row with the radio buttons to stay with the row below it where the user enters data.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 41
Hi there,

For #1, you need to insert a subform into the cell fist, and then add your text and fields to that new subform. Otherwise, as you say, the cell changes to be of only 1 type.

For #2, I'm not a complete expert, but here's my two cents. In the Hierarchy palette, select the row that you want to move to the next page. In the Object palette on the Row tab, select the option Allow Page Breaks within Content.

Now, your table should be inside a Subform object that is set to be flowable. If you have done this correctly, then with the row in question selected, you should be able to select the Pagination tab from the Object palette, and the options there should not be greyed out.

If that is all working for you so far, then on the Pagination tab you can select whatever options you want, so perhaps in your case you would want to select the Keep With: Next checkbox (for example).

I think what is important for #2 is that while the table itself does not HAVE to be set to Allow Page Breaks within Content, it is important that the entire table be encased in a flowable subform. Then you can select individual rows within the table and set pagination properties.

There's some good info in the Designer Help about this kind of operation. CHeck out this topic: Using LiveCycle Designer ES > Working with Form Designs > Using tables > Working with pagination, header rows, and footer rows in tables > To control table, header row, body row, footer row, and section breaks using conditional statements. To access the help, hit F1 in Designer and navigate to that topic.Hope this helps. Let me know if it doesn't and I'll work through the problem with you.
Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73
Hello almitche,

For #1, I figured out something else a couple weeks ago, so I did that instead. I just added three text boxes in a different cell and it seemed to work. Thanks for your response though =)

For #2, your response totally worked for me! I had no idea that there was a Pagination tab, and it worked beautifully! Thanks so much for your help. Do you know if this option is available (keeping fields together if one moves to the next page) for other types of fields not in a table? Like, text fields etc.?
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 41
Hi again,

No problem, I'm glad it worked for you.

The pagination tab only applies to subform objects, tables, rows (in their various forms), and I think Content Areas.

If you want to achieve the effect with other types of fields, you need to wrap them in subforms first and then use the pagination magic on the subform ... it's like cheating, but that's just how the software works (for now) ;-)

All the best.
Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73

So, I tried what you said about wrapping each field in a subform, then applying the pagination to them accordingly. It worked for the first group of four text boxes (I just wanted the first text field in the group to stay with the static text instructions above it so if data entered above pushed the group down, the instructional text wouldn't end up on its own at the end of one page and the four text fields would be on their own on the next page.

However, it did not work for the second group of four text boxes (same setup as the first group). I did the same thing to that group as the first one, and the options in the Pagination tab were not available. They are set up as flowing subforms. Hmmmmm.

I have another question if you are willing to help me some more =)

In the same form I'm working on, if the data entered pushes fields down far enough, there's one field that looks like it has a page break after it or something, because if it's the first thing on a page, everything else below it gets pushed to the next page and I'm left with basically a whole blank page under this one field. I don't understand why.

Again, thank you so much for all your help with this...I'm sort of a beginner, especially with subforms!
Registered: Jun 22 2007
Posts: 73
Ok, I think I figured out the second group of the text boxes...I thought I had checked everything, but one of the subforms had to be set to flowed. You know how it is, sometimes you need some time in between looking at a form to let it all sink in. =)

I think I'm still having an issue with the second part of my last post. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with it:
Pages 1 & 2 are in one large subform labeled (Untitled Subform)(page 1). The third page's large subform is labeled (Untitled Subform)(page 2). Maybe this has something to do with it? What do you think? If it does, how do I fix it? Thank you!
Registered: Apr 1 2008
Posts: 41
Hi there,

I definitely understand that situation where you need space away from something for you to locate a problem. I'm glad you were able to sort that out.

Okay, as for your mysterious page ... something seems odd. You said that your first two pages are in an untitled subform and then the thrid page is in a second untitled subform, but that seems wrong to me. I would have expected each page to be in its own untitled subform (so you should have a total of 3).

I don't know that THAT is the specific problem, but that might be contributing to it.

Is the field that has the "page break" after it the last field in a particular subform? Or is it just one of a bunch of fields in a subform?

It seems like it is just a question of checking all the pagination rules for each of your subforms ... it sounds like one of them is forcing a page break. But before you do that, I would figure out the page issue. At design-time (i.e. in Designer), each page of your form should exist within a unique subform object. If, for example, you tried to create a new page by adding a subform object under Untitled Subform (Page 1) and then adding objects to it, you should create a new page using Insert > New Page and then move the appropriate objects over.I hope that helps. Again, let me know iof it doesn't and I'll work with you to figure it out.

All the best.
Registered: Jun 23 2009
Posts: 1
When I drop a subform object into a form, the options on the pagination tab do not seem to be available.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I double checked the settings on another subform in one of the sample forms and it's the same, but I still don't get any option on the pagination tab.

I appreciate any assistance you can provide!