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Text fields w/ global bindings and multiple pages

Registered: May 13 2007
Posts: 4

I'm using LifeCycle 8.0 to produce a form that is multiple pages. I know how to duplicate two text fields by naming them the same and setting the global binding. If I want to change the second text field [1], how would I do that without affecting the origional text field [0]? Also, how can I duplicate Text Field [0] information on the first page to multiple pages?
Please help ;-)

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Dec 14 2005
Posts: 180
To create repeating fields in LiveCycle Designer, create two fields with identical names. Then go in the Binding tab in Object Properties and set the Binding to Global.

A certified expert on Adobe Acrobat, Carl Young is an Adobe Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer trainer and consultant based in Phoenix. He is the producer of the [link=]PDF Conference[/link].