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text wrap in dropdown objects

Registered: Apr 9 2007
Posts: 4

I am using LiveCycle. How do you get a drop down list to text wrap. I have a list of 5 items that are all very long single lines, how do set text wrap so that each line item is two lines? Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: May 30 2006
Posts: 96
I don't believe this is possible. You may want to consider using a design-element other than a combo-box for this purpose.

Duff Johnson
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Registered: Sep 14 2007
Posts: 3
I couuld not fins a way to wrap text in drop down lists in Designer as well, but it would be enough to be able to get the "overflow" pop-up window to show the text in a box versus a continuous line that goes off the right side of the screen. Meaning, once the item that won't text wrap is viewed in the pdf view of Designer by pulling it down in the list, a yellow pop-up appears showing most of the text that can't be seen in the drop down, but if the text is really long, not all of it can be viewed. How do you modify the properties of this pop-up for drop down list overflow text? Urgent, please help.
Registered: May 30 2006
Posts: 96
As with text-wrapping in a combo-box, I don't believe an "overflow indicator" is possible in a combo-box. Quite simply this design element isn't intended to be used for very long text. It's primarily a selection mechanism, not an information-conveyance mechanism.

If you want to display verbose information pertaining to combo-box selections, the better approach is to have each combo-box value cause a separate field to display which delivers the long text.

Duff Johnson
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Registered: Mar 13 2008
Posts: 1
Could you explain how to get a drop-down list value to cause a separate field to display - I'd like to click on a name in the drop-down list and have the snail mail address display under it.
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 92

See my [url=]blog article on showing the other field[/url] for an example on how to display a field as a result of clicking on an item in a drop down list.

Stefan Cameron obtained his bachelor's degree with Honors in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa and is a Computer Scientist working on Adobe's LiveCycle server products, in particular on LiveCycle Designer ES for the past 5 years.