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is there a way to post 100 page pdf into a text box or other object

Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 76

I created a form that has a checkbox and text field (the text field is initially hidden)

When the checkbox is clicked, it signals that the user has read an agreement and will unhide the text box.

The text box has data from a pdf file in it. However, the data maybe 1 page long, 10 or more than 100.

when i paste the data into the default value, it appears to only take the data up to the size of the textfield itself.

I have the properties set to multiple lines with no limit on characters and form is saved as dynamic

Is there a way to paste a 100 page pdf into a text box, that when executed will show the entire report that can then be printed?

On a side note, I am noticing that some pdf's I copy and past into the text keep the format and others have all spaces removed.

Thank you for any help.

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
How about this create a click event on the checkbox

//NameofTextBox is just a general term please place the proper name of your textbox.
//You will have to find out how well this scales

NameofTextBox="Content Content Content Content ContentContent Content Content

