I'm trying to create a form to record the hours worked each day over a five week period.
Previous attempts to create such a form involved having separate fields for hours and minutes. The user input would then be converted into a number, validated, calculated and then returned as a time value through concatanating the result of the two calculations.
This seems hugely complicated for what *should* be a relatively simple calculation. The JetForms that were absorbed by Adobe could handle this calculation so I'm baffled as to why it can't be done on JetForm's successor.
The key to the JetForm solution appeared to involve forcing the user to enter the value in the HH:MM format.
I've had a look at the help for Designer 7.0 and I can find TimeFmt and Time2Num function so it looks as though what I'm asking for is in the realm of possibility.
Has anyone out there used Designer to create a timesheet style form? How did you handle the calculation aspect?
George Kaiser