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trigger event

Registered: Aug 8 2008
Posts: 2


I am new to LiveCycle Designer and I would like to trigger a change-event of component A by the change-event of component B. In other words, if component B changes, the script of the change-event of component B shall trigger the change-event of component A.

Is this possible and does somebody know how?

Thanks in advance

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 27 2008
Posts: 39

Try a following script for the change event of of component B:

Regards, Andrey
Registered: Aug 6 2008
Posts: 8
Hi Andrey,
but where do we know where to put the script that you gave:

is it going to a specific place, how can we find that place, is there a rule of thumb for beginners.

My contract ends in Oct2008, let me know if you have a hinth or else for me.

Registered: Jun 27 2008
Posts: 39

Put in right into the script of change event handler. Select ComponentB, than in Script Editor (Ctrl-Shift-F5) choose change event and add there a script.

Don't forget to replace ComponentA in that script with the real name of your component.

Regards, Andrey