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Updating a text field while running a long script

Registered: Apr 17 2009
Posts: 95

I am running a long script (data pre-population) and during this process, I am trying to inform the user of the progress.
To do this, I am updating a text field with a short description as to what has been completed.
ie: Projects loaded; Dates loaded, Configuration completed, ....
However, the text field that I am writing the information to only gets updated at the end of the script.
I believe that there is a delay in the screen (form) refresh.
Is this normal? What is the best way to force a screen refresh?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Sep 18 2008
Posts: 22
As far as I know, the form layout is not refreshed during script. I've experienced this as a problem too but haven't figured out any good workaround. Try to optimize the script and warn user.

One way could be to split the script in various events and put scripts in chain. Put scripts in some hidden fields unused event like exit and start the chain by calling fieldNro1.execEvent("exit"); in form initialization. After you have finished project loading (phase 1), you can update the info text and call fieldNro2.execEvent("exit");
After that update the info text and fire up exit-event from fieldNro3 and so on.