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using livecycle designer with acrobat pro x

Registered: Dec 29 2010
Posts: 28

Im trying to follow the example outlined in
but the options seem to be different with Acrobat Pro X, given that LCD
has been integrated into Acrobat Pro X. Would anyone happen to know how
I can go about acheving the same thing as outlined in the example above
using Acrobat Pro X? I installed it but dont see a seperate LCD program

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi skrish,

LiveCycle Designer is not integrated into Acrobat. It is a separate software application package included with each Acrobat purchase. In Acrobat 9, 8, and I think 7 too, Adobe had a hook in Acrobat that automatically opened LiveCycle Designer when you selected the Create New Form menu item- BUT all that really happened was that the LiveCycle Designer program opened. Now in Acrobat X, Adobe decided to remove that hook(menu item). When you use Create New Form in Acrobat X you are provided with the Acrobat form tools (which have been there for many years/versions). It is totally possible to create a PDF form for most uses without ever using LiveCycle Designer at all. The differences between the two programs and why to use one or the other has been discussed in the forums here a lot, and there are blog posts and articles about it as well.

If you want to use LiveCycle Designer to create your form you should be able to open it from the Start menu- it should have been installed when you installed Acrobat.

Since Stefan's tutorial has a 2007 date it was probably using Acrobat 8.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Dec 29 2010
Posts: 28 indicates that :

The following products are included in Acrobat X Suite, for Windows only:
Adobe Acrobat X Pro, which includes Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi skrish,

Yes, the separate software program LiveCycle Designer is included with each purchase of Acrobat X Professional, whether you get the Suite or not. I can see how the wording "includes" could be taken the way you are taking it, but nevertheless they are two separate software packages, sold together.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Dec 29 2010
Posts: 28
so I downloaded the trial version of acrobat pro X and installed it. I dont see a seperate installed program for livecycle designer in the start menu. Im wondering if I did something wrong during the install? basically my problem boils down to being able to launch the lcd that is supposed to come with the acrobat pro x, either integrated or as a seperate package.
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi skrish,

I have the full version of Acrobat X not the trial, but when I go to Start ->All Programs I have Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 in my program list. I don't believe there is an option during installation not to install LCD and I'm pretty sure it is included with the trial version too. So I don't know why you are not seeing it, sorry. Have you tried opening the file explorer and searching for "LiveCycle Designer?" On my system it is located at-
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Designer

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Dec 29 2010
Posts: 28
hmm, wonder what Im doing wrong...I uninstalled my version of acrobat proo x. downloaded the acrobat pro x again, did the 'completer' install. i asked me wether i had a serial or to install trial version and i told it to install trial version. finished the install and I still dont see a designer (executable or folder) in the acrobat pro X installation ...
Registered: Dec 29 2010
Posts: 28
Accepted Answer
looks like i found the issue. i had an old copy of livecycle designer 8.2 installed and the copy of acrobat just skipped installation of designer and didnt even tell me