After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, we finally managed to get to the point where we have a script that will identify a blank mandatory field, change its colour, change the icon from a * to ! and then populate a text field with the fields with an error.
Then we add another instance of the subform and the script doesn't work because its specific to that given row / subform.
What I think I need to do is amend the script so that it looks at all instances of a row or subform and then validates them.
How do I go about doing this? Is it something to do with xfa.resolveNode or using [*] . I have tried these but my scripting is not particulary strong so I may be using the wrong syntax or approach.
Your help as ever is appreciated.
"I finally got it in FormCalc. It is
xfa.form.form1.P1.ItemSet[*].RemoveLineBtn.presence = "invisible"
I never have been able to get the Javascript version, though. "