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What happens with Elements of Master Page in Acrobat

Registered: Feb 24 2009
Posts: 16

There is a form where all buttons and an ID Number placed on Master Page.

Before the filled form will submitted a script makes the following:
- Protect fields.
- Generate the ID and place in a Master Page element.
- Hide a button needs by filling only.

What happens?
- Looks everything good. The ID is presented in its place and the button is hide.
- Sending the mail. Get the mail. Perfect.
- Open submitted form from mail attachment in Acrobat PRO or even Reader...
- For a milisec there is the ID Number and no hided button is hide... but
- The ID Number disappears and the hided button comes visible.

I need to use this objects on all pages. In that way I don't want to put them on all pages separately, because of by a script modifycaítion I must to do on all of them one by one.

I try to put this two elements on a form Page and they work fine.

My question is:
What happens with these objects at opening? Why they get back the default properties, not that the script sets before submit?


Registered: Feb 24 2009
Posts: 16
One more reason:
I save the form at that current state (ID Number ok and button is hide).
When I open the saved form all of them are in original state not in that they were save.


Registered: Feb 24 2009
Posts: 16
I think there is a bug in Livecycle code generation...

I search all events depend on ...Ready and delete those that I written in script. The form starts working fine! The ID number displays on submitted form and the button I was hide not visible. It is interesting, because in the deleted codes there was nothing that connects or happens anything at other objects. Olnly themself.


I start to locate the problem. I made a new empty form with
- a button that I will hide;
- a text that I will change;
- and a button for hiding the other button and change the text content.


The problem still alive on the brand new form.
