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Who are the LiveCycle experts?

Registered: May 8 2007
Posts: 10

I am new to Forms development and we use Acrobat Professional 8.0 in my office. It seems that one is forced to use LiveCycle Designer to develop forms in this version of Acrobat, so ... I was wondering:

1) Is that really true? How does one create a form in Acrobat? LCD always launches when I try to create a form.

2) Would those forum readers who are LCD experts be interested in "self-identifying" by sending me an email here at AUC?

3) With the complexity of LCD I would propose that we create a sub-forum especially dedicated to it??

- Jerry

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
1) No. Acrobat still has the "Form" tool and can still create/update using the AcroForms format. LiveCycle Designer started out as JetForms and JetForms was acquired by Adobe and their product is now LiveCycle Designer. To access the "Form" tool , on Acrobat's menu bar select "Tools => Advance Editing toolbar". To see the form field palette, chose "View => Navigation Tabs => Fields".Fill PDF forms (Acrobat 8.0 on Windows or Mac OS), I prefer Acrobat.

3) This would double the number of forums, just as easy for posters to identify the program they are using.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
I prefer LCD since it has more features.
Registered: Jun 4 2007
Posts: 3
I am extremely frustrated with a form that I have created. I began to create a form with Adobe but then ended up using Live Cycle to complete it, which i now regret. I am now having problems with the "submit by email" button as some users (i.e. those who do not have Adobe 8 Professional) are unable to submit by email. They click the button but nothing happens, whereas it works fine for me.

I have opened the form in Live Cycle to see the preferences of the Submit by Email button but nothing 'stands out' as being incorrect.
All the information that I have found on this site in regards to editing the Submit by Email button is information related to Adobe, NOT Live Cycle. I am unable to edit this form in Adobe.

Please help - people are trying to register for an event and the Submit by Email button is NOT working for them!

Exasperated - Lisa, Toronto
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you used Acrobat to enable the extedned reader rights or set the form for Distribution?

What email program or client are "they" using? If it is web based netither Acrobat nor LiveCycle Designer will hook into it.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 4 2007
Posts: 3
yes i extended the user rights when i created the form.

i had someone in my office (who used Outlook like me) try to submit the form via email (it's been posted to a website): and she is unable to do so.

She does not have Adobe 8 Professional so i think there must be some issue with that perhaps?

thanks for your replies in advance
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Knowing what a user does not have, means that user has something else and for Acrobat/Reader that leave about 13 other versions and variations of the Acrobat/Reader product. Anything below 6.01 is problem by definition when using forms created in LiveCycle Designer or JetFroms of any version.

George Kaiser