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Wrapping Text

Registered: Nov 6 2007
Posts: 2

Warning: Newbie here

I have utilized a template (via Adobe LiveCycle Designer - AdobePro 8.1) and have customized it to fit my needs, however... in creating my form I added a text box, not a text field. It was my intention to have the end-user utilize this box to enter text. Problem: The text does not wrap. It just continues the right side entry and falls out/unseen of the box.


I can share the form with someone if they are willing and maybe be alerted to having created this portion incorrectly.

I appreciate any/all help with this. My form looks terrific and is functional with the exception of this one snafu.

Thanks ~Khristina

Registered: Mar 25 2008
Posts: 7
I was wondering why a text box and not a text field? I think you need to have a text field in order for this to work. I had a similar problem with two identical forms - one wrapped text in my text field, the other didn't (and the text ran off the page, as you describe). Here are some things to check that may help you:

- Make sure that Object Palette > Field Tab > Type is set to "Text Field". The Type specification can not be blank.
- In Object Palette > Field Tab, be sure that "Allow Multiple Lines" is checked.
- In Layout Palette, make sure that "Expand to Fit" (Height only) is checked.

Good luck!