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XFA ImageFields

Registered: Apr 23 2008
Posts: 5

Hello. I have added to the PDF document XFA form with ImageField (I have used LiveCycle Designer 8.0). Image is loaded from some URL. When user opens PDF document with Acrobat it shows prompt (allow/block URL). May be is it some way to avoid that prompt so user haven’t to change his security settings? Is it possible to certify document so included URL will be signed as trusted content?

P.S. Sorry for my VERY BAD english.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 10 2008
Posts: 4
I asked an expert here in the Designer Dev offices. You can't circumvent this problem using the ImageField control.

A suggestion offered was that if your document is certified, you may be able to use a webservices call to get an image and that may prevent the prompt.
Registered: Apr 23 2008
Posts: 5
Thanks a lot!
One more question... My document have to be certified by Adobe (or its trusted partners) or I can certify it myself?