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Yes & No check boxes

Registered: Oct 6 2007
Posts: 14


Is there a way to insert pre-designed yes/no check boxes into a form? I'm designing the form in Word, and there are a ton of yes/no questions. It would be so much easier to just be able to drop in pre-formulated yes/no boxes.


LiveCycle 8.0

Registered: Jun 6 2007
Posts: 29
Related to this question is the issue if you want to make the answer required you can not do it with two check boxes. So I hope there is a way to do a single yes/no box. Looking forward to the answer....
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Both, can you please tell us if you are using Acrobat Formtool to LiveCycle Desinger to complete the form building process as the stepps are different due to product differences.

As to making check boxes required, that is what scripting is for. You can add code to test if one of a set of required boxes is checkec, the value will not be equal to "Off", or as one of the boxes is checked or unchecked you can clear or set the "required" property as needed.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 6 2007
Posts: 29
I use LiveCycle Designer 7 for all forms.

Where can you get completed scripting as part of the program. I know, it probably a dum question. I guess I don't see the point of buying a program that does not include much of what you need to make what they advertise. I guess Adobe should put that warning on their ad like "Acrobat Pro 8 will provide a basic layout for forms, however, if you want the form to function as forms are expected to you will need to know scripting language". I wonder what Windows would look like if you still had to use Basic.
Registered: Oct 6 2007
Posts: 14
I'm using LiveCycle 8.0 Like John, I am not fluent in scripting. :-|
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Look under "Help" LiveCycle Designer provides a "Scripting Reference". This will explain how to add scripts, the difference between FormCalc and JavaScript and the FormCalc functions.

Adobe also provide extensive documentation and examples under their "Support" tab on their web site and this site has numerous tutorials, articles and post about how to use Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer.

No need to rant because Adobe is no different from MicroSoft. Both offer extensive programing Acrobat by JavaScript and MicroSoft by their proprietary Visual Basic for Applications, VBA.

George Kaiser