I'm trying to create a CD for distribution using layers of PDFs. It's a map CD, so it includes a Table of Contents, etc. When saving the links, I used an absolute link but when I go to burn them to the CD, its still using the network path as a location. This makes the CD unusable to anyone outside of the network. Any suggestions?
I suspect that you want to be using relative links.
You may find it useful to look over the discussion on "file specification" (aka "links)
in the reference document:
PDF Reference and Related Documentation (PDF, 15.3M)
at [url=http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.php]Adobe PDF Technology Center[/url]
btw, could you elaborate, for me, what you mean by "layers of PDFs" and "a map CD"? I'm missing something there and it is nagging at me like a poison ivy itch .Be well...
Be well...