I'm creating georeferenced PDFs using ESRI ArcMap, and I include Gridlines in my map. However, when I open it in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, and use Find a Location function, the mark can be a large distance away from the grid lines, and when I zoom in the grid line can still be a large distance away. Depending on what type of map, it can be over 1 second away, or somtimes over 35 metres. I'm exporting maps created at 1:50,000 (at 200 dpi) so this error is too large for comfort. Does anyone know why this happens? I've tried exporting maps in WGS84 Geographic, and also in Projected co-ordinate systems, e.g. UTM 29N (WGS84), but still the same error occurs. Has anyone else had this problem? Have Adobe written anything about the accuracy of their GeoSpatial PDFs? I use both Acrobat and Reader on Windows.
Taking the PDF apart again to determine the georegistration info is a fiddly process (can't do it in Acrobat, we have to decompile the PDF into raw data), so posting us an example is pointless - however I'm sure it's a problem within ArcMap and not within Reader/Acrobat, so advise you contact ESRI's support desk or post a query in their forums. geoPDF export is a new feature for ArcMap and people are still finding bugs with it.