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Acrobat 10 - Future release date affect today's purchase decision

Registered: Oct 22 2009
Posts: 18

Hello Folks,

We are looking to upgrade our licenses of Acrobat Standard and Pro from version 8 to version 9. But if Acrobat 10 is expected soon it makes more sense to upgrade to version 10, or at least buy version 9 during the time frame when a no-cost upgrade to 10 is included.

(I understand from Adobe sales that you can upgrade to the next version if you purchased the lower version within 30-days prior to the new version being released - but I can't find an actual written policy on this).

I am having great difficulty finding out when Acrobat 10 might be expected. Adobe sales say it's not coming out with CS5 this month. I see comments that Acrobat 10 will be included in the "second half" of the upcoming CS5 suite but what the heck does that really mean? It would be nice to have something definitive.

Does anyone know if CS5 will include Acrobat 10, or know for certain it will not?

Does anyone know when we might expect Adobe to release Acrobat version 10?


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Acrobat Pro 8.1.7, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Even if someone does, they'll be legally bound by an NDA to not reveal this information.
Past experience suggests that Acrobat 10 will be included in CS5, but this is purely a guess.
If I'm not mistaken, CS5 is going to be announced in about a week or so. I would suggest holding out until then, and then make your decision.

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Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Adobe sales told you the truth - after all, CS5 is only 3 days away. They know what's in it by now!

Acrobat has always been (and remains) a discrete product line, which is why it's called Acrobat 9, not Acrobat CS4. Some of the "Collection" editions of CS include Acrobat, but there's no direct relation between release dates of the two, so you'll get the current version of every software component as of the release date for each collection. Beyond that, we can't say what's going on behind the curtains.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Wiley - you're correct that Acrobat 10 is not about to appear on shelves in the next week, but nobody involved is allowed to even hint at the timing. Release dates are even more of a business-critical secret than product features; when it's time to make the announcement, we'll make very sure everyone knows, flags will be flown, parties will be thrown. Until then, as Dr Evil would say... "zip."

You're free to make guesses / suggestions / requests as to what might be going in the new version, but that's all they can be. I would however point out that although they share the name, Acrobat and have only a vague connection with each other. They're certainly not substitutes.
Registered: May 27 2010
Posts: 2 is not sub-all webapp but a holding option. Subscribe until the Acrobat 10 are released. An alternative if someone is running out of gas on 8 and doesnt want to buy 9.
10 is in the wind, but speculation is for the National Enq-not me. :)
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
[color=#333333]I wouldn't call a holding option per se. Yes you can use it to make some basic PDFs, but it has none of the advanced features Acrobat has so in that respect is not much different from the free PDF converters and printer drivers other people make.[/color]
[color=#333333]As with all software, unless you know the release date AND have seen something in the new version you need, there's no real argument in waiting to buy. It could be months before it's available during which time you still need to do your job, and the adoption tail is always long for an enterprise application (we still have a lot of users running Acrobat 6 or 7!). You may find A10 is the same as A9 (or 8, or 7...) as far as your specific needs are concerned - it's all down to what you want to use it for and the happenstance of what bits have been altered.[/color]
Registered: May 27 2010
Posts: 2
UVSAR wrote:
I wouldn't call a holding option per se. Yes you can use it to make some basic PDFs, but it has none of the advanced features Acrobat has so in that respect is not much different from the free PDF converters and printer drivers other people make.
I agree with you entirely on freeware PDF makers/converters. They are no solution for PDF users

On Acrobat 10. There is no substitute for Acrobat software-a local install on your PC-server or workstation. That is the only way you have access to all of the functionality that Acrobat affords you. However, a subscription to isnt a bad way to go if you have updated to Windows 7 but have Acrobat 8. No sync between the two.

The question each user needs to ask when they assess pro/con on buying 9 now is do you create lots of PDF files? If so, then buying A9 is a good deal as its discounted right now. You are unlikely to get a free upgrade. Adobe allows for only a narrow window on such deals. If you are more of a passive send/receive user, not a creator of PDF files then an subscription may tide you over. However, that is too limiting an option for many.

On A10--it's a waste of time to play the guessing game. You will likely be wrong and bad info is a staple on the net As they say in the mob (on TV), "it is what it is." Until such time that Adobe has the basic package locked down-actually the full package-we won't hear them say anything. However, once they reach that point, they will "leak" a release date. Unlikely to happen much more than a month before the rel date.
Ah,.the fun and game s of new software.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
wileycoyote128 [at] gmail [dot] com wrote:
However, once they reach that point, they will "leak" a release date.
No they won't. Adobe does not leak release dates, but they do announce the announcement of release dates (as they did with CS5). Most industry pros can guess the program schedules to within a few months based on Adobe's SEC filings, but rest assured those that do know the exact date are on pain of death not to reveal it, even to their pet fish.
Registered: Jun 30 2010
Posts: 2
kbrown wrote:
I am having great difficulty finding out when Acrobat 10 might be expected...Does anyone know when we might expect Adobe to release Acrobat version 10?

UVSAR wrote:
You're free to make guesses / suggestions / requests as to what might be going in the new version, but that's all they can be.
Well, here are some answers for you, more or less:

When is Adobe Acrobat 10 Coming Out, and What’s New?

Hope this helps!

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Always link to the public document and you do not break a trade secrets or an Non-Discloser Agreement. Since you provide the public document, you have not released information you know from internal work product or access.

But his statement assumes, there will be no major flaws found during any testing, production, or major changes to interfaced products.

George Kaiser