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acrobat 8 to acrobat 9 character spacing issues

Registered: Feb 12 2010
Posts: 2

Windows XP Pro SP 3
Adobe Acrobate 9 professional

Previously, we had Adobe Acrobate 8 professional, all the pdf documents looked great. Character spacing was perfect. Ever since we upgraded to version 9, we are running into an issue. Opening up a pdf file created by Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, making modifications to it, and then saving it, causes some spacing issues in words such as

a sentence co uld look like thi s.

How would we fix this? Any recommendations?


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Do you have the same font installed on your system as you do where you're editing in the document?
Do you see any warnings when you go to edit the document?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for