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Acrobat 8 full page image selection HELP

Registered: Sep 13 2007
Posts: 2

I recently updated from Acrobat 6 Pro to Acrobat 8 Pro and have an issue I need help with.

I work with pdf's that will sometime have full page images, there is no gutter. I need to select and copy these images. In Acrobat 6 I was able to use the "Select Images" tool; however, in Acrobat 8 they have combined all the select tools into one. When I hover over the full page images I get no options, but if I hover over smaller images inside the pdf I can select those.

I could use the snapshot tool to capture the full page images but then the text over the images would also be in the image and that is not what I need. Any suggestions?

Registered: Sep 17 2007
Posts: 10
My only suggestion would be to save as eps and open in illustrator and get the image from there.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
There is a preference you can set to Make the Select tool select images before text which may help. Edit --> Preferences --> General panel

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