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Acrobat 9.0

Registered: Jun 26 2008
Posts: 10

I am testing the shared review feature of the Acrobat 9.0 trial version. I have shared with two other reviewers that have the latest available version of Adobe Reader 8.1.2 I believe. However when they try to publish comments the system told them they need Reader 9.0 or later and it cannot connect to the Adobe server.

Does anyone know if Reader 9.0 is available yet, and if not...what can we do about this?


Registered: Feb 19 2008
Posts: 63
Not available yet, they will probably need to download the Acrobat 9 trial also, for the time being.
Registered: Jun 26 2008
Posts: 10
Ok, thanks JB.
Registered: Jun 27 2008
Posts: 1
Has anyone heard a release date for Pro 9 Extended for Mac?